As stated that the concept is to keep the guests feel like home when staying in Barn1920s. We provide simplicity in the house where all guests can feel involved as a part of the family members. Common kitchen, common area (patio), living room, acoustic night, movie night.
Common kitchen is available all day to 10:30 pm. BARN1920s members can access to all cooking ingredients and materials to create amazing dishes together.
Common area or patio is the little green garden in between the front building and the guest dorm. It gives a quiet mood and big privacy to people who come in to enjoy the peaceful nature in the middle of busy capital Vientiane.
Living room, cozy living room in a house; the family members can chill and play board games or chit chat with the outside guests from the coffee shop.
On every Wednesday of the week, from 6 – 8 pm will be an acoustic night time. Staffs will bring guitars to perform and for sure, all talented guests come and join in. creating a memorable night together.
A family movie night on every Friday of the week. Everyone can come and enjoy their Friday movie night for free.